[portfolio_slideshow] Why looking to buy ready-made grilled almonds and salted nuts mixes when you can make your own for a fraction of the price while controlling the amount of fat and salt? In addition, you can vary flavors as you want!
Table of Contents
Ingredients list for Spicy Roasted Nuts Mix:
You can use your own mix as there are unlimited possibilities.
For today we will use:
- A dried nuts mix: hazelnut, almonds, walnuts, pine nuts, cashews, pecans…
- Olive oil
- Salt and pepper
- Spices: paprika, curry, chili pepper
Photo credit: © Eatwell101.com
Cooking Instructions
1. Gather your various nuts in a bowl.
2. Heat a little olive oil in a pan.
3. Then add nuts and stir well.
4. Ad salt and pepper then stir well until nuts are coated.
5. Add the spices mix and continue stirring regularly for a few minutes. Continue cooking for 2 minutes to let the aromas develop. Be careful not to burn nuts.
6. Serve in a dish and let cool before tasting.
Roasted Nuts MixVariations
- Roasted Herbed Nuts: Toss the nuts with thyme leaves along with the salt and pepperor 1 tablespoon chopped fresh rosemary.
- Sweet-Hot Nuts: Toss the nuts with ½ teaspoon cayenne and ¼ cup packed brown sugar (more or less) along with the pepper and salt .
- Honey-Roasted Nuts: Drizzle ¼ cup honey over the nuts along with the salt and pepper and toss
– You can use the same method with butter or without any fat. It’s called dry roasting.
– Use your nose: At about the same time that the nuts begin to turn light brown, your kitchen will start smelling nutty. That intoxicating smell means they’re done, so get them out of the oven before they scorch.
– You can use any shelled nuts that you have on hand, but I especially like any combination using pecans, walnuts, almonds, pistachios, and cashews.
Thanks go to Adeline for the demonstration. Headline picture by Shivery.