Photo credit: © Eatwell101.comHere’s a tasty all natural flu fighting tea to soothe your body and boost your immunity this winter! Enjoy this flu fighting tea, and feel better soon!
Ingredient list for the winter tea
Makes 3 cups:
- 2 cups (50cl) water
- 1 green tea bag
- 3 thin slices ginger root
- Small red cayenne peppers
- Slices and juice of 1 lime
- 2 tablespoons liquid honey
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1. In a large cup of hot water, steep the tea bag and the sliced ginger.
2. Add the lime juice, honey and stir well.
3. If you’d like, you may filter the tea through a strainer to remove ginger. Garnish with lime slices and split chili pepper.
Photo credit: ©
Photo credit: ©