Here’s a cleansing detox cure to keep you sparkly, vitalized and fitting easily into your party dresses. This DIY detox tea loaded with lime and ginger is designed to be used in between your holiday parties and to start a new year. An easy and healthy way to detoxify your body before and after the holidays!
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Ingredients list for the cleasing detox tea
- 1 knob (1-inch) ginger
- 1 tablespoon honey
- 2 limes: one for the juice, one for the slices
1. Wash lime and cut in half. Squeeze and collect the juice. Peel and grate the ginger.
2. Boil 2 cups water and pour into a tea kettle. Add lime juice, lime wedges, honey, and grated ginger.
3. Infuse for 5 minutes and serve, garnished with lime wedges.
Photo credit: ©