Starter recipes

Baby Leeks Vinaigrette with Hard-Boiled Eggs

Perfect for a light evening meal as starter or side, this brilliant dish honors the delicate sweetness of leeks perfectly complemented by a tangy mustard vinaigrette.

Baby Leeks Vinaigrette with Hard-Boiled Eggs

Photo credit: © Eatwell101.comPerfect for a light evening meal as starter or side, this brilliant dish honors the delicate sweetness of leeks perfectly complemented by a tangy mustard vinaigrette. Hard-boiled eggs balance the dish by rounding up protein needs. Choose baby leeks as they are often sweeter and less stringy. You can add your own twist on the recipe: add shallots and balsamic vinegar to the vinaigrette for example.

Preparation : 10 min – Cooking time : 5 min

Ingredient list

Serves 2

  • 3/4 pound (350g) baby leeks, trimmed, halved and cleaned.
  • 1 coffee spoon Dijon mustard
  • 1 clove of minced garlic
  • 2 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 tablespoon lemon juice
  • 2 eggs
  • Salt and pepper
  • Vinegar


1. In a large pot, boil enough water to completely soak the leeks. Add leeks and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain and transfer into ice-cold water. This helps to stop cooking and keep a bright green color.
2. For boiled eggs: Bring water to a boil with a little vinegar to coagulate the egg white if they break. Eggs must be completely immersed in order to cook evenly. Once the water boils, dip the eggs gently with a ladle to avoid burning your fingers and breaking eggs. Cook for 10 minutes only. Remove the hard-boiled eggs from the pot using a ladle. Place them under cold running water to stop cooking. It also helps to remove the eggshell easily. Roll the egg on a hard surface to crack the shell. Remove shell pieces and rinse the eggs.
3. For the vinaigrette: In a small bowl, combine mustard, garlic, olive oil and lemon juice. Season with salt and pepper.
4. Arrange the leeks on plates, cut or crumble the eggs on top, add a dash of vinaigrette before serving.

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    Nutrition Info (Beta version)
    * The presented values are approximate and shouldn't be considered as accurate. Please calculate your OWN nutrition information in a database using the brand names you have at hand. Each brand is different and nutrition information can vary.
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