Photo credit: © Eatwell101.comTo start the week on good tracks, here’s a drink that might surprise you a bit. Naturally packed with iron, vitamin C, K and antioxidants, fresh parsley is good for you, especially if you enjoy it as a green smoothie. If the distinctive, pungent flavor of parley is a bit too much for you, you can combine it with non-bitter greens like fresh baby spinach or romaine and green leaf lettuce. Happy Blending!
Table of Contents
Preparation Time : 5 min
Ingredients list for the parsley green smoothie
Serves 4:
- 1 large bunch of parsley
- 1 lemon
- 1/4 cup (50g) caster sugar
- Ice cubes, crushed
1. Clean and pat dry the parsley. Peel the lemon and collect the supremes (the flesh of citrus without skin and white pith).
2. Put the supremes, sugar, the bunch parsley and a handful of ice cubes in a blender. Pulse until you get the texture of a smoothie. Add a little sugar if necessary and serve immediately.
(Photo S.Yang)