[portfolio_slideshow navpos=top]Yellow not only brings life and vitality, but it’s also a great artificial way to make a room brighter, just like a splash of sunlight that enhances an otherwise white place. This is especially true in the kitchen which is a vital an active place in our homes. You can get wonderful pops of color with yellow without overdoing it as it is one of the first color that our eyes process. So paint your cabinets with a sunny yellow tint, cover a wall, or play with shades and accessories.Here are some great examples of bright kitchens featuring yellow.
(Photo credit: 1. Sunny yellow kitchen cabinets via Dwell / 2. Leroy Merlin / 3. Via BHG / 4. JL Construction, modern kitchen, Vancouver / 5. Via Whimsical World / 6. Yellow kitchen mural via Designrulz / 7. Via Architectural Digest / 8. Via Luxury Ideas / 9. Via JolieHomeDesign / 10. Yellow cabinets via Designrulz)