Question: “I have a very busy schedule between work, studies and kids. What kind of meals can I cook ahead on a regular basis, or double and then freeze?” Sent Cindy, Houston TX.
Editor: Sauce and pasta dishes are definitely one of those recipe you can to double—and often triple—so you can have extra for the fridge, ready for another weeknight. If you’re going to cook up a big meat sauce and boil noodles, you might as well make twice the amount. Casseroles and lasagna are also great options too. It won’t take much more time, and you’ll get more for the money. Slow-cooker recipes and all stews can be doubled then frozen. Some other things we love to freeze: spaghetti sauce, pulled pork or beef brisket. Note that you can also freeze pastry. If you wrap it carefully, it will do fine in the freezer. Why not freezing a good amount of homemade puff pastry and make delicious appetizers, desserts or snacks later in the week?