
How to Buy, Store and Cook Tomatillos

mexican tomatillo photoTomatillo is relative of the tomato. This little green fruit looks like a tomato but comes wrapped in a thin skin. Tomatillo is commonly used for Mexican cooking when it’s firm, green with a pronounced herbs flavor. Tomatillos turn yellow when they ripe.

These small fruits are available all year long, fresh on markets and canned. Tomatillos are excellent ingredients for salads, and salsa sauces.

Presentation: The tomatillo is a fruit measuring 1 inch picked before full maturity. Green at the beginning, it turns purple or yellow when ripe.

Preparing tomatillo: you have to remove the husks and rinse to get rid of the resin. You don’t need to remove the seeds. You can slice, chop, mash, eat it whole.

Buying tomatillos

Look for tightly wrapped skins that protect a firm and green fruit.

Storing Tomatillos

Store in a paper bag in the refrigerator so that they will keep for a few weeks. Just like tomatoes, you can freeze cooked tomatillos.

Best cooking methods for tomatillos

Tomatillos are best eaten raw or following the same ways that you could cook tomatoes.

It is eaten raw as an appetizer just like cherry tomatoes, as such or in salads. Tomatillo is also cooked to prepare these delicious mexican sauces like mole verde for tacos, enchiladas or burritos.

Tips: the funny and unusual look of the tomatillo make it perfect to decorate a dish.

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