We often hear about the need to “eat healthy” all around, but what does this mean exactly?
Healthy food is first a healthy cooking
Synonyms for healthy cooking are numerous: health food, dietary cooking, healthy cuisine, quality food, etc.. Indeed, healthy cooking encompasses many elements it is important to combine together.
A healthy diet is above all a healthy cooking practice: this means that we will cook and eat things that are good for our health, that will protect us against disease and give us energy.
Healthy cooking methods allow us to capture the flavor and nutrient of food without adding extra fat or salt.
There is absolutely no other way than putting ourselves in the kitchen and start cooking meals by our own because that’s the only way we can learn by practice and control exactly what we put in our bodies.
Then, you’ll understand that healthy eating and cooking are directly related to a whole healthier lifestyle.
Healthy cooking has 3 aspects
Healthy cooking is a term that includes the three following meanings:
- A dietary cooking. Indeed, we tend to overeat and eat poorly, resulting in weight gain and impossibility to lose pounds then. It’s always easier to take than losing! Healthy cooking keeps us on our “ideal” weight. Note that word: your ideal weight may not be the one you want to be ideal.
- Eating a balanced diet is important: we must eat good ingredients for our health. Good ingredients strengthen our immune system rather than weakening it. It is food that give us energy and vitamins, food that nourish our body and allow it to cope with our lives every day. The balanced cuisine allows us not to gain weight, this joining dietary cooking.
- Finally, a healthy cooking is a quality cuisine. It is necessary to eat foods that do not contain pesticides, which are not too much refined, which contains useful nutrients (otherwise a balanced diet is useless) and that have had time to grow naturally.
So healthy food gather these three concepts – dietary cooking, balanced cooking and quality cooking – that are interdependent. Make dietary or quality but unbalanced (single salad at every meal, or organic french fries every night) will not help you. Following a balanced diet but with poor quality ingredients (cereals and vegetables … but the grains are highly refined and vegetables full of pesticides) will not help you either to protect your health.
The ideal is to combine all these terms on our plates and continue to have fun. Eat organic from local farms, fill your plates with vegetables, whole grains, legumes, oilseeds, seeds, etc… Avoid putting fat, salt or sugar everywhere … and you will be on tracks for making healthy cooking a suitable lifestyle for you!