
Decorate with Vintage:10 Cool Finds

[portfolio_slideshow navpos=top]Add a charming look and historical interest to your home! No longer synonomous with just the antique, “vintage” style now encompasses the eclectic, sometimes eccentric and pieces that are lovingly handmade. Best of all, “vintage” is an affordable style that you can easily replicate in your home. While decorating with vintage finds can be challenging to avoid looking too cluttered and busy, here’s a selection of stripped down, sober and elegant vintage items to help you fuel your inspiration in your quest of the perfect timeless decor:

1. Vintage Kitchen Scales – $179.00: If you like authentic weathering and patina from real use objects, these vintage scales were gathered from antique stores and markets are for you.
2. Vintage Seltzer Bottle Pendant Lights – $269.00: Go back up to 50 years with these original Seltzer bottles, recycled as colored pendants.
3. Metal Praque Chair – $229.95: The rusted finish of this steel chair gives your cooking lab a timeless look.
4. Set of 3 Vintage Mixing Bowls – $119.99: When you’re not whipping up a decadent icing, add some fruits or cherry tomatoes and these solid stoneware bowls are just great for decoration. Made by proud Southern hands in Louisville, Kentucky!
5. Vintage butterfly coasters – $25.00: These 5 coasters seems to have made their way, escaping from an antique curiosity cabinet!
6. Vintage Milk Bottles and Carrier – $26.95: This pure farmhouse style tells nostalgic stories of simpler times.
7. Vintage Galvanized Watering Can – $69.95: This vintage can found in Hungary will bring character in your home decor.
8. Carved wood coffee table – $299.00
9. Vintage Wooden Trays by Cooper Rowe Vintage Living – $35.93: The high sides of these reclaimed pine crates make the perfect party tray to carry drinks and food in style.
10. Fine Vintage Desk Globe Bar – $298.00: Certainly the ultimate accessory in a men-only entertaining room!

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