If you plan to spend time together with your kids on this Valentine’s Day, here are a few DIY projects easy enough for your kids to make along with you. We hope you’ll enjoy these little lovely ideas as much as we have!
DIY Heart Crayons for Valentine’s Day
A simple and cute idea for an alternative to candies. Your preschooler or school-age child will love crafting these for Valentine’s Day. DIY by 1000 Layer Cake.
Valentine Card Ideas
So cute, and communicative! By The Idea Room.
Crayon Heart Valentines
Another fun project using crayons? By Whipperberry.
Valentine Card Printable
A brilliant idea, we simply love it! Are you really just giving out these cute arrows out for nothing? By Muffin Grayson.
Salt Dough Hand Print Ornament
By Stephanie Lynn.
Conversation Love Hearts Marshmallows
So pretty with such lovely colors, these cutes treat are perfect to surprise your sweetheart. By Passion for Baking.
Chocolate Sprinkles Toast
All you need is a cookie cutter, how easy! Photo by Ohhhmhhh.