
Tomato Sauce for Pizza

Tomato Sauce for Pizza

To prepare a good tomato sauce for pizza, it takes between 2 and 45 minutes, depending on the recipe chosen, or depending on the size of the pizza to go. The preparation of the tomato sauce does not require many ingredients, and you can easily find them anywhere. The various recipes and other preparations are easy to perform, it will mostly require red and fresh tomatoes to make a good sauce base.

Quick tomato sauces for pizza

For the impatients, quick recipes fit perfectly because they require only 2 to 15 minutes of preparation.

The no-bake recipe

This preparation takes 2 minutes. The ingredients for tomato sauce are:

  • A can of tomato paste,
  • Water
  • Salt
  • Pepper,
  • Oregano,
  • Basil,
  • Herbs.

In a bowl, add the tomatoes and add water depending on how much sauce you want. After this step, salt and pepper the mixture and add remaining ingredients. Do not hesitate to taste your preparation to ensure the quality of the sauce. Mix the sauce before spreading on pizza dough.

Easy cooked tomato sauce for pizza

For this recipe, 300 grams of ripe tomatoes are needed to replace the can of tomato paste. In addition to the basic ingredients, you will need:

  • A clove of garlic,
  • A bouquet garni (thyme and bay leaves)
  • An onion
  • A shallot
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil

Prepare tomatoes and slice the onion, shallot and garlic. Saute in a pan with olive oil and cook for 2 minutes before adding the tomatoes. Reduce somewhat the power of fire before adding the remaining ingredients and simmer for 10 minutes. For a thinner and homogeneous sauce, remove the bouquet garni and the amount of oregano and reduce the sauce by using a mixer. The sauce is ready to be spread over the pizza dough.

Other preparations for pizza’s tomato sauce

They are more elaborated recipes than those presented above. The special recipe for tomato sauce will require 45 minutes of preparation.

Special Pizza Tomato Sauce

To succeed in this recipe, you will need:

  • 800 grams of peeled whole tomatoes
  • A clove of garlic
  • Olive oil
  • Salt
  • Dried oregano
  • Sugar
  • Espelette pepper

Before beginning the preparation, mince the garlic and the drained tomatoes. Use a pot to heat a little olive oil to sauté garlic. Add the tomatoes and remaining ingredients and leave on low heat for 20 minutes until obtaining a thick consistency. For a fine and homogeneous sauce, put everything in a blender until obtaining the desired result. The preparation of this special tomato sauce for pizza takes about almost three quarters of an hour.

What are your secrets for a good tomatosauce for your homemade pizzas?

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