Stuffed vegetables are delicious, our imagination is our limit! Tomatoes, zucchini, artichokes, peppers, onions and mushrooms lend themselves to this delicious stuffing game.
The stuffed mushrooms are so cute on a plate and so simple to achieve. About variety, the Paris mushroom with his big curved hat is the most practical stuff. It cleans well, and it peels it off his foot. Side farce play on colors! While stuffing red pepper or green pepper, use little fried mushrooms with a goat cheese curry… a treat!
In the zucchini family, I choose the round one! Tiny, perfect for individual servings. Cut a hat on top. Brown an onion and the zucchini flesh. Add goat cheese, mascarpone or just a curry spice before stuffing the whole thing. A bit of Parmesan on top and bake for one half an hour.
Round tomato is truly the queen of stuffed vegetables. We immediately think of our grandmother stuffing tomatoes with sausage meat. If stuffing is a little bit heavy, just mix the flesh with an onion and grilled prawns or ham to make it lighter. For big appetites, the option of stuffing tomato with risotto is just delicious.
The preparation of a stuffed artichoke seems difficult while it is simple! Break the stem, remove the leaves, turn to the heart of any tender. There, cut up the leaves and artichokes are cooked in boiling salted water for 20 minutes. When ready, remove the hay, be careful it burns! And now, our vegetable is ready to be stuffed. Its like any sweet goes with everything: meat, cheese … See for yourself.