Steam cooking is one of the best cooking method. A “steam recipe” is ideal for a healthy and nutritious diet. However, steaming does not carry a very good reputation when it comes to taste… Many will complain that steamed food is watery or bland. But et’s have a look on how to turn a steam recipe in a tasty dish.
What is steam cooking?
Steam cooking is cooking (or heating) food with hot steam. There are several ways to do this:
- A traditional Stackable Saucepot and Steamer
: this device goes on fire and is designed specifically for steam. There is a small tray to put water in the bottom and “shelves” on which food is distributed. Close with a lid, the water will heat and steam will rise and so cook your food.
- An Electric Food Steamer
: a device (often plastic) in which you put a little water and you turn on. The process is then the same.
- A Pressure Cooker
, classic or electrical, with a net, you put water at the bottom and you cover. This will cook under pressure.
- You can use a single pot, put a little water and your vegetables on top. Then cover well. Your food is not covered with water. The goal here is that all the water evaporates into the food. Just watch there is always a little water so as not to burn the bottom.
Steaming prevents the vitamin to escape in cooking water, and also avoid destroying nutrients and vitamins. It is essential not to let your vegetables overcook. In fact, steam recipes are more interesting because vegetables won’t lose their nutrients.
How to turn a simple steam recipe into a tasty dish?
We can steam everything, although it is more difficult for cereals and leguminous plants (but possible). However, for vegetables, there is no exception: they can all be easily part of a steam recipe.
Do not hesitate to mix vegetables to vary the flavors. A piece of zucchini and broccoli, pumpkin with potatoes,cauliflower and chard … Put the same 3 or 4 to cook safely. During or after cooking, add spices and herbs, and salt and pepper to give more flavor or simply spice up your vegetables. You can also make some herbal steam too, along with your vegetables.
Here’s just little tips to make a tasty steam recipe:
- Prepare a sauce alongside: milk (any, even coconut milk), eggs or cream, then you mix your vegetables into a kind of fondue.
- Mix your steamed vegetables with other ingredients and put them very quickly in the oven or grill to make a light gratin.
- Present your half cooked vegetables cold or warm with a dipping sauce in a cold drink or for your own meals or aperitives.
- Mix your vegetables with cereals and leguminous to vary the taste and have a full meal.
For a tasty steamy recipe, there were just a few thoughtful ideas. Although steamy cooking being not suitable for many people, it is ideal for “purists” who love their food in the most natural state possible. In any case, a steam recipe ideal for people who want to eat healthily or lose weight because it contains less fat and retain the nutrients of vegetables.