
How to Start Cooking Healthy When you Don’t Want to Eat Readymade & Tasteless Food Anymore

Health Cooking - Health Cooking Guide - healthy meals

So you’re ready to get started cooking, but you wonder why rack your brain to cook by yourself all that you can already find in the grocery store, ready-made?

As we said it regularly on this site, cooking is an integral part of the human culture, our culture. If we don’t transmit it over time to others, it will be lost gradually. The proof is that if you’re here to find how to prepare something simple in the kitchen, then you probably do not have the chance to have someone tell you.

Is this a reason to drop everything? Surely not.

We do not claim to “teach” you anything here. We’re not professional chefs, but only those who were fortunate enough to benefit from a learning-feeding, with recipes handed down from mother to daughter. We want to share our expertise to make you realize that everyone is able to vary their meals and eat healthy.

Cookbooks are numerous and their varied content is very rich, but the practice may seem tedious and not very explicit, and even discouraging to one who has never put his hand on a pot.

Do you complain constantly of having your stepmother at home? At the same time, you don’t know to cook anything other than a lonely fried egg to your husband or boyfriend?

So use this site without moderation, save it  in your favorites for quick return from time to time, subscribe to our newsletter. Start learning the basics of simple cooking to implement good and balanced meals. You will see that over time you will find it more and more fun to cook up good food and accommodate it your way. This will add to your skills and you’ll quickly put together a nice romantic dinner. Far more romantic than a frozen dish placed in the microwave!

Take time to browse the recipes and study how hey are prepared. You will then understand that with a little courage, you can run safely and begin to ignore the McDonalds burger-fries-sauces to start eating fewer calories and much healthier for your health.

Build up your cooking skills, step by step

Can’t you imagine trying to make a ” Beef Brisket Pot Roast ” or a good stew? And especially you enjoy and delight your guests with it? Well this is going to happen to you while browsing this site.

Preparing a sole or a trout seems to be from another world for you? Well we’ll prove you’re wrong. You will finally be able to eat fish regularly, in a simple, fast, and healthy way.

Today everyone knows that the sharp rise in cholesterol levels observed in the majority of the population is due to more than 80% by poor nutrition, (little variety, too rich, too fatty, with bad fats and that are not best when cooked or burned), associated with a lifestyle that allows us to eliminate less during the day: sitting all day long, excessive sedentariness…

The recipes shown on this site aren’t subject to any diet whatsoever. If you need a menu plan to lose weight specifically, nothing beats the advice of a professional nutritionist who will be the best placed to adapt a balanced diet based on your overweight, your lifestyle and especially your current health status. Anyway, that doesn’t keep us from sharing some tips and advice to better know what we eat and how we eat it so we can start controlling our weight and health.

Once you’ll have taken a bit of confidence, you can certainly slightly accommodate these recipes depending on your taste. However, learn to be not too heavy-handed with salt during preparation. It is better to have to add a little salt at the time of tasting rather than having a too salty dish.

Healthy eating comes with very simple habits

Did you know that we shouldn’t have to salt food, as nature usually gives the dose of salt needed for a balanced life? Know that the more we add salt for flavoring food, and the less you will find their real taste, and over time, we will tend to do this more and more as our palate will accommodate the taste of salt. If you routinely add salt to each dish on your plate, maybe it should be time for you to begin to re-educate your taste buds to find the true flavor hidden in each of the ingredients on your plate. It’s not easy, but by doing gradually you can get there, and your arteries will do it better.

The recipes given here are mainly made from fresh vegetables, and seasoning is made with olive oil. We wanted these recipes as healthy as possible, so we try to limit the use of butter, cream and animal fats in general.

We all know the virtues of olive oil and garlic and their beneficial effects on health.

The moment to take you by the hand has arrived and we invite you to browse the articles and recipes we’ve posted online, hoping that you will take advantage of this little culinary experiences that we wish to share with you.

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