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What are you grilling this week-end? These elegant wooden skewers let you easily grill and serve your favorite corn on the cob. The best design are often the more simple; forget the overused fork like skewers! Simply insert the sharp end into the flat end of the corn on the cob, and grill with the husks on or off. The stylish rosewood handles are long enough so not to burn our hands over the grill. Perfect for our next outdoor grilling parties!
Eat Well 101 makes every effort to test and review products fairly and transparently. The views expressed in this review are the personal views of the reviewer and this particular product review was not sponsored or paid for in any way by the manufacturer(s) or an agent working on their behalf. However, we either bought the product(s) for our own use, or the manufacturer(s) did give us the product(s) for testing and review purposes.