
It’s Kumquats Season!

kumquat fruit season photo

Kumquats look like tiny oranges, but shaped like an olive. Its skin is edible, thin and delicately sweet, while the flesh is tart and has a lot of seeds. You can easily peel kumquats and eat only the skin. You can also slice this tiny citrus or cook it whole in a sugar syrup. Kumquats season is from October to June, but they are better from December to April. So kumquats are most often available during winter, sometimes still attached to the branch; look for them at specialty or Asian markets.

How to buy and cook kumquats

Look for kumquats at specialty or Asian markets. Buy firm and bright yellow-orange fruits and store them in the refrigerator. The kumquat is ripe when becomes yellow-orange and has just turned from its last hint of green.

Kumquats are often eaten raw. As the skin is sweet and the juicy center is very sour, you can consumed the whole raw fruit to appreciate the contrast. You can also eat the rind only.

You can use kumquats in many ways like candying, preserves, marmalade, and jelly of course. You can also slice them and add to salads or garnish cocktails. To make a kumquat liquor, mix the fruit with a clear spirit like white rum or vodka.

Photo by avlxyz

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