
3 Essential Keys for Growing Your Aromatic Herbs Indoor

Grow Your Own Aromatic Herbs for Cooking

Easy to grow, the fresh aromatic herbs are a luxury accessible to all.  Flavor your dishes with thyme and sage or use mint or marjoram for your herbal teas.
Having such aromatic herbs in your kitchen facilities makes your everyday cuisines easier and fun, and more inspiring as well!The advantage of herbs is that they adapt to any location: we can grow them in a pot, on the balcony, or in a wild garden full of nettles and brambles.  Here are some tips for growing your own herbs

Plant your herbs according to your needs

You can sprinkle seeds here and there in the garden, but if you want a larger output, eg. for cooking, setup your herbs in a privileged corner.  And for the best results, plant them in groups.

If you decide to plant your herbs in a group, do it according to their requirements for growing rather than your own use.Plant the herbs that require light shade, such as mint, fragrant lilies, and violets within a few feet of shrubs.  Note that if conditions are favorable, these herbs can quickly take up a lot of space.  In this case, the solution is to remove these plants regularly and remove their stolons (weeds) to limit their expansion.

Be sure to plant your herbs in the right place!

Some herbs are resistant to heat, such as lavender and rosemary.  Be sure to drain them regularly, as resistance to sunlight does not mean resistance to dehydration!

Other herbs grow in swampy and water-staturated environments.  If you do not have wet soil, create a square near a pond for example.  In times of drought, keep an eye on water levels for your mint, meadowsweet, and Valeriana officinalis so they do not dehydrate!

Leafy herbs like chervil, cilantro, or fennel are best grown in the garden because the soil is richer and exposed to light.  On a balcony, be sure to mix the hearth and a little humus into the pot to feed the plants properly.  However, wait for spring to plant them so that the soil is warm enough.

The best time to plant your herbs

If you do not have a green area in your home, perhaps you’d prefer to grow herbs in pots.  It is an ideal solution because the growing conditions are best, especially if your garden is not suitable.

Plant your herbs in a pot with drainage, with a depth of 30 centimeters.  And do not forget to check the moisture content in the pot.  Of course, do not forget to water your herbs.

To improve the quality of your plants, select clay pots over plastic ones, which dry out the hearth.  In both cases, choose pots with holes so that water is properly drained because it is likely to rot the roots.

The best planting season is late spring so that your plants enjoy the first rays of the sun.  And regardless of the herb grown, it can thrive only through proper brightness.  Avoid exposing your herbs on the south side to direct sunlight and places where there is too much wind, as the plants tend to become dry.

Related to this article, you can read the best practices to dry herbs for your cooking and herbal teas.

What about your own mini-kitchen-garden? What are the herbs you cannot live without?

( photo: by Mary Elizabeth Hulsey)

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