
School Lunch: Try These 5 Tips for a Healthier Lunch Box

Tips for a Healthy Lunch BoxBusy children need a healthy school lunch to boost their energy and help them concentrate properly in the afternoon. But, getting back on tracks to prepare lunch boxes for kids can be an overwhelming task when it’s back-to-school time.  Here’s some tips to get the good habits back in place, optimize time and prepare your children lunch boxes easily.

1. Plan menus and write detailed grocery lists, there is no better way to start! Discuss with the whole family, at an appropriate time when everyone feels comfortable for listening and sharing. This task doesn’t depend solely on the mom or dad in charge. Everyone have to bring his own ideas. Kids will always give you some interesting inputs to fill up their lunch box!

2. Once balanced meals are planned, display menus on the fridge at least two weeks ahead. Make a beautiful menu planning on your computer, print it and ask your kids to add colors and decorate it. They will love it!

3. After the organization phase, we must take action! Prepare and cook the day ahead. Block 2 to 3 hours if possible, ideally on Sunday to get ahead of the week.

4. No need to make things complicated: One or two boiled eggs, raw vegetables, cheese, bread (or good quality crackers), and fruit to prepare a quick lunch! The young kids often like things simple and they’re proud of being able to recognize each food. Older kids and teens prefer sandwiches, which are more fun, of course!

5. Checklist for a healthy lunch box

  • Always include fresh fruit and vegetables. Vary the selection to keep it interesting for your children.
  • Use avocado as a spread instead of butter or margarine.
  • Use reduced fat dairy foods. Cheese and yoghurt are ideal.
  • Add a chilled bottle of water and limit juice. No soda allowed!
  • Offer a variety of whole grain breads, rolls, pita bread and flat breads.
  • Kids need a portion of protein at lunchtime. Ensure you include lean meat, egg, peanut butter, chickpeas or tuna in their meal.

(Image: Bento Boxes by West Elm)

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