It is not easy to eat properly: having good products and not spending too much at the same time… Why should we choose between health and wallet? Here are some ways to combine the two: how to eat properly without breaking the bank!
It is not difficult to monitor our food budget and eat good products. It only takes a little time and create new habits.
1. Eat Seasonal!
We should eat seasonal products. This is a first step to a healthy diet that does not cost too much. Remember to buy your fruits and vegetables at the market: they are often cheaper than the supermarket! Of course, nowadays you can find anything at any time of year: strawberries in winter, oranges in the summer… But this is because they are imported from abroad.
So they are quite expensive. You can buy them much cheaper if you eat them the season when they are harvested. In addition, they will taste much better because it will be their season of optimal maturity.
2. Cook it yourself
In order to make savings in food: learn to cook and especially take the time to prepare food.
With the busy lives we lead (especially women) with children, work, recreation, sports and culture, going out with friends and wife/husband, it is difficult to find time for cooking.
So, we settle on ready meals, already cooked, reheated in 5 minutes. But these dishes are expensive! In fact, they come two to three times more expensive than if we had prepared them ourselves.
Just compare with prices per kilogram for the whole basket, you’ll get some surprises. So buy fish, meat, vegetables and start to cook them by yourself. You’ll be able to keep the extras in the refrigerator and reheat them during several days. You can even freeze your cooked dishes. A good stew can provide a meal for 2 or even 3 days. Salads are easy and quick to do. With 3 cooking sessions, you will get your meal for a whole week, altering your dishes.
3. Competition all the way!
Due to time constraints, we often tend to go shopping in one place only. Old habits help us save time… time that is available other activities.
Yet we also know that between the hypermarkets, supermarkets, grocery stores and neighborhood markets, prices for the same product range a lot. And we could save if we compare the prices of the products we buy regularly. It’s also time to identify the prices of brands, but in the end it saves money and new habits take place quickly.
4. Buy distributors brands
Distributors are also reliable brands that should not be overlooked. They often offer the same product that a known brand, but cheaper. Just a matter of decoration and packaging…
By cons, be sure to compare ingredients and prices per kilo. And then test the product before buying in large quantities. Sometimes the tastes are not identical.
5. Canned or frozen: it is the same!
Yes, frozen or canned, fruits and vegetables retain their vitamins and minerals the same way. And since they are cheaper than fresh, consider this convenient alternative. They also keep longer and then, for the lazy persons, no need to peel them!
6. Go shopping with a full stomach
A well known and repeated idea: never shop with an empty stomach. Because when you’re hungry, you throw everything and anything in your cart. And often treats, chocolates and biscuits which can be dispensed. Go shopping without being hungry save money and calories!