
4 Vegetable Juice Beneficial to Your Body

Healthy eating tips - diet and nutrition guide
Fresh fruit and vegetable juice are perfect to help you get rid of the toxins accumulated in your body.

When fresh fruit or vegetable juice enter the human digestive system, they make blood become alkaline, and dissolve the accumulated toxins in the cells and drain them out of your body.
Here are some examples of vegetable juices that are very beneficial, but are often overlooked. So let’s get our juicers ready!

1. Tomato juice

Experts believe that eating 2 to 3 tomatoes each day can make us meet our daily requirement of vitamin C.

If you drink a few glasses of tomato juice, you can get half the vitamin A needed daily. Indeed, tomatoes contain a lot of citric and malic acid, which not only have great benefits on the whole metabolism, but also can encourage the formation of gastric fluids and promote the digestion of greasy foods.

Moreover, the vitamins contained in tomatoes have the effect of protecting blood vessels, and can improve heart condition.  In addition, drinking tomato juice often can make the skin beautiful!

2. Carrot juice

Drinking carrot juice every day can greatly improve the condition of the body.  Indeed, carrot juice is known to increase appetite and resistance against various kind of infections. If people suffering from ulcers began to drink carrot juice regularly, it could significantly reduce their painful symptoms.  Moreover, carrot juice can maintain the health of the visual system.

3. Chinese cabbage juice

Chinese cabbage is very efficient:
It encourages the recovery of hematopoietic functions; it stops the sugar from changing into fat, and prevents the deposition of cholesterol.  The vitamin A in Chinese cabbage juice can also promote the growth and development of children and prevent night blindness.  Futhermore, Chinese cabbage juice contains selenium which not only can prevent amblyopia, but also can help enhance the sterilizing ability of the white blood cells in the human body and resist against the harm caused by nocive metal particles on the human body.

4. Celery juice

Celery has a nice fragrant flavor and greatly improves appetite.  When the weather is hot and dry, you can drink a glass of celery juice after getting up in the morning; you will feel much better.

It is also a good idea to drink some celery juice between meals during the day. Celery root and leaves are rich in vitamins A, B1, B2, C…  so celery juice is recommended for people suffering from various vitamin deficiencies.

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