
In Season: Make The Most of Figs


How to Cook Figs

Small delights of late summer and early fall, the fig is welcomed on our plates. From aperitif to dessert, figs can be cooked many way according to hundreds of recipes. For further informations about figs and great fig recipes, check out our selection of fig recipes cookbooks.
Until then, here are some ideas to make the most out of this delicious fruit.

The purple color and juicy flesh make the fig delicious. But beware, because it is fragile it must be consumed quickly after purchase. Do not refrigerate it as there is a risk of losing its precious aroma.
My mother likes it very ripe so she always ask her favorite vendor to set aside the most ripe figs for her.

Figs are a very versatile fruit

The fig is a small culinary treasure: its salty sweetness compliments nearly every dish. As an aperitif, you will taste it raw and cut it into wedges gently surrounded by air-dried ham from Bayonne with a slice of mozzarella. You can also have a little treat on a mini fig toast spread with goat or sheep cheese. It is fresh and light and the explosion of flavors on the palate is guaranteed (I swear it).

You can make fig  jam without much effort or surprise everyone with a fig salad with sauteed chicken, apple, and pine nuts! Fig bread has begun to make some serious appearances at the finest restaurants tables. I will not talk about fig chutney as I need all my focus and sanity to finish this article… Okay  just check out this fig chutney recipe from Culinate for your information and run to your local market to get all the necessary ingredients.

Fig and poultry = good marriage

The fig can be roasted in the oven and then accompany the gentle cooking of poultry. The flavors go very well with the apple that can cook at its side. You can go further, deep into the sweet and sour by preparing duck aiguillettes with figs and sprinkled with almonds. But the ultimate recipe, of course, is the small fig chutney (Oh my…) to accompany the foie gras.

Fig for dessert: guaranteed success

You can add a classic touch with a fig clafoutis or be bold and make them roasted with honey and cinnamon, or a sweet wine. But for snacks, a little simple fig and honey tart is just divine. Enjoy it quickly because at the end of October, the fig season is over already.

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