
The Keys To Select A Capsule Coffee Machine

Choosing a capsule coffee machine must meet primarily the needs of future users. It must also be the result of a serious technical, practical and aesthetic (yes!) observation of the machine.

The criteria to consider to choose the capsule coffee machine adapted to your needs

Thanks to Nespresso the capsule coffee maker is becoming more prevalent in the market with a wide choice of model. A rational choice takes into account the mode of use and options, operating costs and maintenance of the device, its style and the amount that the buyer would pay to buy it. If the final choice ultimately depends on the consumer, the branding and ads may also have some impact on the decisions of the buyer.

The capsule coffee machine: its functions and options

Using a capsule coffee machine better preserve the aromas and flavors of coffee. Some criteria are essential to choose the coffee capsule.

The principles of the coffee capsule

The coffee capsule is somewhat similar to the coffee pod with the difference that instead of the pods, it uses capsules made ​​of aluminum and plastic, which are sealed, to better maintain the quality of coffee. Handling this type of coffee is easy: simply insert a capsule in the compartment for this purpose, fill the water tank and start the machine. The drink is obtained after a few seconds. In fact, making coffee is very simple and very fast. The key is to have a robust and practical machine and capsules that are suitable.

Technical aspects

The choice is made according to the types of capsules: there are special capsules and generic capsule models. Some capsules are specialized for particular devices, qualified owners, often from the same brand. The other can be used on different types of coffee maker. Percolation time is still a decisive factor in choosing coffee capsules. A good coffee machine provides coffee in 30 seconds on average. It is also essential to choose a device easy to use and that does require as little maintenance as possible. This implies the availability of spare parts and capsules at any time. Do not choose a brand whose products should be imported to order in the country of origin. Before deciding to buy a coffee machine, make sure that the caps and any parts required for maintenance are available online or in your vicinity.

Other selection criteria

Other factors also come into consideration when choosing a capsule coffee machine. Parallel to the technical side to justify the decision to buy a capsule coffee maker, the choice is still based on the views and financial practices.

The practical reasons

Following its use, the capacity of water tank and the capsules should be taken into account. Thus, the frequent calls for a device requires a high-capacity tank.

The options on a machine still determine the choice. Among the variants, there are coffee makers that use only the capsules. There are also those with which it is also possible to use the coffee packet. There are still capsule or pod machines that can also make tea or hot milk. Other capsule coffee maker in which a pressure higher than 10 bars can produce a real espresso. So those who just want coffee can choose between classic machine or capsule machine to the one on which it is also possible to use ground coffee. Those who love variety will choose the machine that allows for other beverages in addition to coffee. Those who prefer to choose particular espresso will invest in equipment using sufficient pressure to do so.


In addition to the type, use and functionality, it will always be affordance that determine the choice. In addition to the purchase price, maintenance costs, capsules and price of energy need to be valued and considered before choosing a capsule coffee machine.


Once all the other criteria are considered, the choice is more limited and expectations become more accurate. The machines in question are those that were retained after the technical evaluation and according to financial means. The buyer no longer has to choose among the models selected, the coffee machine capsule whose design draws the most while taking into account the context in which the equipment will be placed. Thus the shape, color and size of the device must correspond with its location and above all satisfy the buyer.

Photo by : apes_abroa

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