[portfolio_slideshow width=400 navpos=top]Offer the gift of love with a personalized mug. If you’re like me, you may want to have that one super special mug that no one else can even touch. That one special mug that might have been just one of the cutest gifts you might have ever received from a boyfriend! Today I would like to share with you these amazing DIY that turn any mug into that one adorable gift! I hope you’ll enjoy…
1st row:
1. DIY: Chalkboard Mug – Wit and Whistle
2. Primal Instincts – Kate’s Creative Space
3. Before & Afte: Painted Cups – This Heart of Mine
4. Sharpie Marker Gift Mugs – Infarrantly Creative
5. Gold Wins – Garland of Grace
2nd row:
6. DIY Simple Custom Painted Mugs For Teachers – Creature Comforts
7. DIY Gift Guide: Mother’s Day Mugs – Lauren Conrad
8. DIY Anthropologie Coffee Mugs (Drawing on Ceramic with Sharpie) – Home Heart Craft
9. DIY Sharpie Mugs – Craft Pond
10. DIY: Marimekko inspired sharpie mugs – Maikonagao
3rd row:
11. Painted Mugs – 52 Weeks Project
12. DIY: Mother’s Day sharpie mug gift idea & tutorial – Maikonagao