
What You Should Know Before Picking a Paint Color for the Kitchen

picking a color for kitchen imagePHOTO: www.bambeco.com

Did you ever note that after a while living in the same place, some rooms start to make you feel weird or depressive? It happens that I often experience this feeling regarding the kitchen. Maybe it is the same for you?
New kitchen cabinets can be expensive and sometimes you don’t want to spend a whole week revamping everything. So when re-creating an inviting kitchen you should always start by considering the stuff you can change right now: such as the wall colors. To choose a paint color that will set up a good mood in your kitchen, you have to take into account the brightness of the room and its style of decoration.

How to choose the paint color of the kitchen

  • If your kitchen is dark and feels cold, choose a warm color that gives a warm effect to the whole room. Choose a brighter and clearer color if you want to bring in a little more light.
  • Conversely, if your kitchen is very sunny, you can choose cool colors that give a little sweetness to the room while providing a refreshing and balanced look.
  • For a small kitchen, opt for cool and fresh colors. More detailed infos about colors for small kitchens here.
  • Choose a color that matches the style of your home. For instance, don’t use bright red if you’re into a romantic country style!

purple kitchen paint colors photo

PHOTO: www.decoration-et-provence.com

For example, a pop kitchen style asks for bright colors like orange or purple as above.

best paint colors for kitchen photo

PHOTO: www.incorporatedny.com

While a country style kitchen prefers soft and natural tones.

industrial style kitchen color photoPHOTO: www.littlebluedeer.com

For an industrial kitchen style we will focus on raw functional colors like gray, black and metallic finishes. Industrial style is mainly depicted by accessories, so you don’t want to flood the kitchen with too much color on the walls. For a contemporary and timeless industrial look you should choose white and add touches of gray or black to create contrasting points — think chalkboard paint.

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