
The 4 Golden Rules for Shopping on a Budget

One of the things we should have regarding our food budget is some basic rules engraved in stone when shopping.  Shopping on a budget is like a sport that requires some practice, but the results come quickly, and your wallet will thank you.

1. Make an inventory of your cupboards

Before an epic trip to the supermarket, make a list and identify the remaining food available in your kitchen! To minimize losses, remember to affix a date on the jars of cream and milk cartons before you go.  Don’t let anything go to waste.  Half an avocado? Sprinkle it with a dash of lemon juice so it does not blacken.  Keep your leftover noodles, and if there are not enough lentils, fill your plate with bulgur.

2. In front of the shelves, say: “WILL”

Avoid compulsive shopping! The first method is to establish a detailed shopping list allowing two gaps max.  The second method is rudimentary: go shopping after lunch or you may salivate when you get there.  Beware of excess! Never go shopping on an empty stomach.

3. Recycle, freeze, and garden!

Fruit beginning to become overripe? Have the Zucchinis gone soft? Cut them into purées, compotes, or have them blended into a crumble.  Did you cook for a regiment? Freeze your meals.  What a pleasure it is to warm up a delicious shepherd’s pie on a Sunday night.  The biscuits are soft or muddy? Make them dry in just a few minutes in the oven.  Finally, you can enjoy the sweetness of fresh parsley, chives, coriander, and basil with your own mini-garden.  So no need to buy them since you have some on hand.

4. Collect paper slips

Collecting coupons will bring some nice surprises in the store.  On the shelves, choose low cost brands and the difference will be compensated with organic fresh produce (only).  Pay attention to the promos! Aim for 2 packs of products sold for the price of one.

What are your cost cutting tactics regarding food shopping? Please share your views in the comments section below.

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