
Preparing Christmas – Part Two: Keeping your Body on Tracks During the Dinner

Prepare Christmas tips

On our last article, we discussed organizing Christmas dinner. Today, it is a completely different topic you will find usefull. How to avoid the headaches, digestive troubles, and that sort of conflicts? It’s not so complicated if you follow some simple rules. Here is an informal list of tips to follow before, during and after the holiday dinner.

How to avoid headaches and digestive disorders during the meal:

  • Don’t try to follow a diet the week before the evening dinner. In fact, your starving body will turn to fat anything your eat. So continue to eat normally.
  • To avoid an upset stomach, lay off the appetizers. Get a Snack, like a piece of fruit or cup of yogurt, between six and seven that evening. The digestive system won’t be in starvation mode and you can taste all the different dishes without overeating.
  • Think of eating slowly. It is a basic rule for every meal but here it is even more true… it will prevent you from overeating. Your body will tell your brain that you have eaten enough.
  • Have smaller servings of: starches, chestnuts, and sauces to avoid bloating.
  • If you can, drink 1 or 2 glasses of sparkling water during your meal; sodium bicarbonate that is present neutralizes stomach ailments.
  • Have a small detox for one or two days after the dinner for your body to gradually reclaims its strength and eliminate the calories ingested in so little time. Eat a small leek and carrot soup without moderation with the light meals. Also drink lots of water and foods cooked on the grill, steamed in foil and lean meats (chicken, rabbit) and fish. Finish your meal with a yogurt and a fresh fruit.

How to limit the effects of alcohol during the christmas evening dinner:

  • Nibble a little something just before drinking to avoid heartburn and nausea experienced when drinking too fast.
  • Avoid hangovers by alternating a glass of wine and a glass of water during the meal. Water will allow you to eliminate the alcohol toxins.
  • Accompany your dessert with a glass of water (drop the champagne and wine) to avoid ending the night with a knot in your stomach.
  • In the evening — as the Chinese do — finish your meal with a tea that will dissolve fat and dispel the effects of alcohol.

What are you own tips and tricks to better handle the Christmas evening meal and avoid harmful excesses?

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