
Aquitaine: the Art of Living … at the Table

Third French region in surface, Aquitaine is surrounded by the Pyrenees, the Massif Central and the Atlantic Ocean.
Inhabited long ago by our prehistoric ancestors, the region boasts many archaeological sites like the caves of Lascaux or along the Vézère the most beautiful Paleolithic sites in France. Heights of the Pyrenean foothills in Dordogne, the castles and fortresses of Aquitaine are ubiquitous.

Bordeaux World Heritage of Unesco, Périgueux Roman city in the heart of the “valley of man”, home of Henry Pau, Aquitaine can be visited along the Atlantic coast to Arcachon and Dune du Pyla, its long beaches of the Landes to finish in the Basque Country in diection of Spain.

In addition to worldwide fame of its raw wine, the region also relies on the production of poultry and waterfowl with foie gras, meat animals, cold cuts, fruit and vegetables, dairy products, but also on marine and aquaculture products.
Confit and foie gras are all the festivals, but Bordeaux have the lamprey, the Périgord truffle, the Ttoro from the Basques, the Lot-et-Garonne for the pie, and for the Landes: Armagnac.

One recipe to another, Aquitaine offers to gourmets and gourmands, “the taste of happiness.”

Culinary Markers

Garonne Garlic – Espelette peppers, Beef marrow, Foie gras and duck foie gras, Bayonne ham.

Marmande Tomato – Périgord truffle – Cep, Agen prunes – Périgord Strawberry

Périgord walnuts, Ossau-Iraty cheese from Pays Basque, Bordeaux wines


Gourmet Calendar:1-aquitaine map - french recipe - french food - french tradidion

  1. January: Feast of the nose to Sarlat
  2. February: Feast of fat oxen in Bazas, fest’oie in Sarlat, the feast of the mills and nuts in Varaignes, fair in fatty in Monségur
  3. March: Feast of shad in Lormont, Libourne, in Bouscat, fatty Fair Expo in Dax
  4. April: Feast of the lamprey Cavignac, Bayonne ham fair, the feast of asparagus in Blaye, traditional market Ondres Easter, the feast of foie gras in Saint-Sever, honey fair in Bordeaux, asparagus festival to Etauliers
  5. May: Day of Chocolate in Bayonne, party Verdelais shad, asparagus festival in Pontoux-sur-Adour, the feast of cod in Bordeaux, cheese festival in Rocamadour
  6. June: Feast of the Pauillac lamb, the feast of the cherry in Itxassou, onion festival in Trebon, feast of the cherry Escoussans to Bernos-Beaulac, party wines from Fronsac Saint-Germain-de-la River, feast of Saint-Emilion Saint-Emilion, European Days of gastronomy in Oloron-Sainte-Marie
  7. July: Day Tuna St Jean de Luz, Hendaye Chipiron festival, oyster festival in Cap Ferret, the tomato festival in Marmande, Feast of the piperade Salies-de-Béarn
  8. August: Fair oyster Gujan-Mestras, Prayssas fair fruit, feast of potatoes in Accous, fair wine and cheese from France in Saint-Marien, wine fair in Lesparre-Medoc wine fair in Lalinde , show the pie to Penne-d’Agenais, wine fair, breads, cheeses and cured in Casteljaloux
  9. September: Feast of salt Salies de Béarn, fair with prunes in St Aubin, fair breads, cheeses, wines Langon, garburade Oloron-St-Mary, market plums, prunes, and pastries in Saint-Aubin
  10. October: Day in Espelette pepper, grape harvest festival in Marcillac, Feast of the pigeon in Sarre, feast of the chestnut and mushroom in Villefranche-du-Perigord, Armagnac party Labastide-d’Armagnac
  11. November: festivolailles Saint-Sever (festypoultry!)
  12. December: frequently asked to Grignols capons, turkey market in Montignac, in Saint-Sever festivolailles


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