How to de-clutter and organize your cupboards and drawers? To save space in cupboards and drawers, it is often sufficient to organize and get rid of useless stuff! To do this, here is 5 Tips to get it done.
1. Take inventory
Just start taking note of everything you have got in your kitchen drawers and cabinets on post-it notes. Stick your notes on each drawer and cabinet. It will be a lot easier for you to assess your complete inventory this way. You’ll be able to spot what you need to have at hand and what is useless.
2. Assess
Look at the spaces where you can improve your organization. Is everything stored in convenient and practical places? Do the pots are not too far from the stove? Are the lids wells organized? Are your dishes and glasses within reach of the kitchen table or the dining area?
3. Plan your action
It’s a common mistake to start de-cluttering one drawer after the other because you just miss the bigger picture. Your kitchen is more than an succession of cabinets, it’s a well though and oiled engines. Strategic placement and organization of your cookware, flatware, small appliances and serveware is key.
4. Group like items together as you reload your drawers and cabinets
You should examine what item you need the most when you’re at the stove, you shouldn’t have to travel from one corner to another to grab a spatula or you oil bottle. It’s the same when you finish the washing up: place your items not too far from the sink or the dishwasher.
5. Divide and conquer!
You may need some good drawer organizers to better separate stuff. Put everything where you want it to be, shoot a few photos of your open drawers, take a quick measurement of the dimensions and rush to The Container Store or Ikea.
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