
4 Ways to Make Flavored Sugar

Flavored Sugar Recipes - Vanilla Sugar Recipe - Cinnamon Sugar Recipe

Vanilla sugar, cinnamon sugar, citrus, and even flowers, flavored sugar expressess its aromas at coffee-time or in our everyday kitchen.

To make flavored sugar, there is nothing simpler! What you need is… sugar! And some small glass jars that can be resealed.

Vanilla sugar

Vanilla sugar is very easy! Instead of throwing away the pods of vanilla after having scraped the insides for your cakes, rice pudding, or ice cream, put them in a jar half filled with sugar.  Shake the pot regularly to harmonize the taste, and in a short week, you have delicious, vanilla flavored sugar to sprinkle on your yogurt, cheesecake, or whipped cream.

Citrus Sugar

For a sugar tart, choose your favorite citrus: lemon, grapefruit, orange, kumquat, etc.  Then remove the zest with a grater or a zester that will be mixed with sugar.  Same way as vanilla sugar: shake the jar daily for a week to blend flavors.  It’s perfect for a fruit salad or morning coffee.

Cinnamon sugar

To get this sugar with irresistibly exotic spicy accents is simple.  It takes two cinnamon sticks that are locked in a jar of sugar, and then you do the same as with all the others: shake, shake, shake for one to two weeks!

Flowers sugar

Same principle as before: sugar, an airtight jar and roses, wisteria, violets, orange blossom, lavender, and poppy.  Two weeks later, you get a sugar that produces delicately scented creams! It’s the little touches that make all difference.  Ask your friends what flavor titillates their palates.

Share your comments.  What about your own flavoured sugar recipes?

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