
How to Make Shortcrust Pastry Dough


Did you already tried to make you own shortcrust pastry?

Shortcrust pastry is the dough that I use most frequently when I make pies, it is easy to make, easy to lower (roll it) and easy to lay down into a mold or a tart ring.

Quick shortcrust pastry can be made with a robot, but before using a robot, it is best to master its realization by hand and recognize its success factors. Remember that robot things go faster and are more difficult to control if something goes wrong.

The shortcrust pastry belongs to the dry dough category, a category that includes the crust, sweet and flaky.

 The Shortcrust Pastry Dough Recipe

Easy Shortcrust Pastry Recipe — How to Make Easy Shortcrust Pastry Dough

Ingredients list: shortcrust pastry recipe

  • 1 cup (250g) of T55 flour
  • 3/4 cup to 1 cup (80g to 120g) of icing sugar
  • 1/2 cup (125g) of butter
  • 1 egg
  • 2 grams of salt (a pinch)


  • You can replace sugar with granulated sugar, the shortcrust pastry dough will be crisper, but more difficult to work.
  • We can use T45 flour but as it is richer in gluten, it is more “elastic” when kneading with the risk of retracting when cooking.
  • Finally you can add spices such as vanilla seeds or cinnamon, or substitute part of the flour with cocoa powder …

Instructions: shortcrust pastry recipe

Easy Shortcrust Pastry Recipe — How to Make Homemade Shortcrust Pastry Dough

1. Sift the flour into a large bowl.

It is also possible to work the shortcrust dough on a marble tray or directly on the work plan

2. In the same container, sift the icing sugar.

Cut the cold butter in pieces.
Add the butter mixture to flour and sugar.

3. Coat the pieces of butter mixture with flour/sugar.
Coarsely crush butter with hands, taking care not to keep it too long in the hands and ensuring that they are still coated with the mixture of flour and sugar.
Note: we mustn’t keep the mixture too long in our hands to avoid melting the butter.

4. When all butter is coarsely crushed, take the mixture and  “sand” it between the two hands as if you were rubbing it.

The mixture is ready when it is pale yellow, there is no butter anymore and the texture is like sand.

5. Break the egg, and beat it rapidly with salt.

Avoid contacting the salt with egg yolk at the risk of “burn” (appearance of small insoluble particles).
While some put the salt with the flour and sugar at the beginning of the process of making the shortcrust pastry dough, I prefer to dissolve it with the egg to get a better distribution.


6. Make a well in the mixture of flour/sugar/butter and put the beaten egg in.
7. Gradually mix turning the bowl regularly to evenly distribute the egg.

Note: the mixture is normally done by hand, but I may offend some purists as I use a fork to make the mixture, the result is the same and allows me to keep hands clean as long as possible.

8. When mixing with a fork is no longer effective, the pastry device tends to aggregate in patches and the color is uniform, take the mixture in your hands and squeeze the dough.

Finish to knead the shortcrust pastry dough in the bowl by pressing, fold the dough and press again.

Don’t knead and work the shortcrust dough too much as it might become elastic and shrink when cooked, it will take longer to rest before it can work and the result still won’t be necessarily conclusive.

9. Repeat the process or folding and pressing until the shortcrust dough is smooth.
Form a puffing on the work surface.

10. Depending on the future use, cut the “shortcrust pastry sausage” into 3 or 4 parts.
Lay plastic wrap on the work plan an top it with a section of dough vertically set.

With a base of 1 cup of flour (250g) you can make at least two pies of 9-10 inches (24/26cm) diameter, or 3 of 6-7 inches … (Personally I prefer to lower finely dough for pies, getting a thin shortcrust)

11. Flatten the shortcrust pastry dough portion in its plastic wrap.
Fold the plastic wrap and wrap the dough tightly.

12. With the roller, spread the dough in the plastic wrap to obtain a thickness of 1/4 inch (1/2 cm)

Note: booking shortcrust pastry dough this way allows you to:

  • Make the dough rest more easily than a big ball for which the resting time would be longer.
  • Facilitate its storage and labeling (flat surface to stick a label with date and composition).

Let dough rest at least 20 minutes in the cold before using it, allowing it to lose some of its elasticity, knowing that it is best to make shortcrust dough to use it next day.

So how goes this shortcrust pastry recipe for you? Do you have any comment or observation? Please share your views about making shortcrust pastry in the comments below!

how to make shortcrust pastry — shortcrust pastry tart

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