
How to Cook with Aromatics Herbs?

We have not said enough: cook with herbs! It is good for you and it makes your recipes better! Still need to know how to cook these different herbs, how to marry them with other foods and prepare them. Jill Norman wrote a very comprehensive book about herbs and spices: Herbs & Spices: The Cook’s Reference.

Overuse of Aromatic herbs!

This is not a discovery or a new phenomenon: the Herbs have always been successful!
But the good news begins to bloom in your minds is that with these herbs, it is possible to combine health, balanced meal and flavors in your meals in a very simple way.

So use herbs in the kitchen every day!
With herbs, we are sure to add flavor to dishes without adding calories!

Whether you buy your herbs fresh or dried, or you grow them and keep them,you should always have some on hand.

Do not forget the Aromatic herbs!

Have herbs, fine. How to use them in our recipes is better.
And when one knows nothing, how?

In marriage of flavors, everything is possible, or almost, depending on our mood and tastes. The art is to measure the herbs subtly, to enjoy their flavors, but not to mask the taste of food.

There are several ways to prepare them: chop, cut, mix, remove stems, tear, crush with a pestle. Some are more recommended than others since the herb will not release its aroma in the same way.
But the most important is still to do so at the last minute.

Mix the herbs for more flavor!

To help, here are some ideas for happy marriages:

– Dill with salmon, herring, cucumber with cream or potatoes
– Basil sauce (pesto), in Asian dishes, vegetables, lamb
– Sage and rosemary, with mushrooms, cabbage, veal and pork
– The cilantro and chives, with spinach, fennel, shrimps
– Parsley and chervil, with peas, beans, carrots, beef
– Thyme and rosemary, with fennel, zucchini, green beans, peppers, tomatoes, chicken
– Mint and chives, with fresh cheese, tomatoes, peppers, zucchini, cucumber
– Tarragon, with eggs, fresh cheese, peppers, tomatoes, pumpkin, anchovies.

Do you like and use aromatic herbs? How do you cook them? Share your tips in the comments and don’t forget to give a look at Jill Norman’s book.

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