is a site set up with the intention of helping home cooks, cooking beginners and more generally all the people who want to eat better and cook healthier. has been running since mid-2011.
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Reach Media Inc.’s advertising team also at times accepts and publishes sponsored posts, which are clearly highlighted as sponsored advertising, and are marked as separate from the editorial stream of content. These are advertising products and as such are generated separately from the editorial process.
Other than the above-mentioned affiliate links and the clearly-marked sponsored posts, all content and reviews on Eat Well sites are strictly editorially driven and are generated without payment or incentive by advertisers or external companies. Absolutely no payments in cash or in kind are solicited or accepted from advertisers or external companies for posts written and published on Reach Media Inc. sites.
Eat Well 101 also makes every effort to test and review products fairly and transparently. When we have received a product for purposes of testing or review, that fact will be noted at the bottom of the review post.* The views expressed in our reviews are always, however, the personal views of our editors and written for the sole purpose of informing our readers accurately.
*Eat Well 101 makes every effort to test and review products fairly and transparently. The views expressed in this review are the personal views of the reviewer and this particular product review was not sponsored or paid for in any way by the manufacturer or an agent working on their behalf. However, the manufacturer did give us the product for testing and review purposes.